No, it really did! So picture this, you’re presenting your regular show, across the entire country and to whoever’s listening online around the world. You’re playing the penultimate song of that show, back timed exactly to the ads, everything is pretty normal. Or is it? Suddenly every screen in front of you (apart from the internet screen) goes blank. That penultimate song still playing away, listeners oblivious to anything of course apart from enjoying the music. Let’s stop there for a minute and freeze that moment in time. What would you do? It’s moments like this when broadcasting live that really let you understand your character, your heart rate, your control of a situation seemingly out of your control. Do you call an engineer, run to the racks room (if you have access), but how much time do you have until, silence? Oh, there is an additional factor here, your national show goes into local shows across the country, presenters sitting preparing their shows, also listening in...
Steve Reed is an established British Presenter and Worldwide Voiceover Artist. He's well known for his radio shows hosting nationally on both BBC and commercial radio stations including for Global and Bauer Media brands. His corporate and commercial voiceover work includes the worlds best known brands and organisations; Google, Sony and ARTE tv.